Originally Posted by BillyMac
I'm still confused. I believe that the original post was a "run the endline" throw in. If B-2 had both feet on the floor, one OOB, and one IB, and is deemed to be OOB, couldn't B-1 just hand, or pass, the ball to B-2, with there being no violation of any type.
The teammate has to be "outside the boundary line". I interpret that as "entirely" outside the line.
Note that this is different wording than "out of bounds" as in 4-35.
So, I'd have this as a "legal" throw-in followed immediately by an OOB violation.
If you'd rather try to interpret this as a pass to another inbounder, then I think the intent of 9-2-5 (shall not carry the ball onto the court) applies and you'd have a throw-in violation.
Either way, the violation is on A2, and the spot of B's throw-in is at teh spot where A2 violated.
(all references from 2006-2007 book)