Thread: traveling?
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Old Mon Dec 31, 2007, 02:58am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by footlocker
okay, so then you are saying that if you have already established a pivot foot, you may go down and come up from one knee at will so long as you don't move your pivot. correct?
That is an unfortunate consequence of an NCAA ruling which Mary Struckhoff authored a few years ago. I'm specifically talking about the going to a knee WITHOUT MOVING THE PIVOT. It started out as just applicable in the NCAAW game, but has now been included on the mens side of the written documentation (rulebook and casebook).

Since that time the NCAA has published the above posted A.R. 103 as it is currently numbered. It is my understanding that the directive to the officials on the court is to follow this and call a traveling violation. The key language is the "virtually impossible not to move the pivot foot" part.

So by the strictest theoretical interpretation of the rule, a player could do what you propose without traveling, but in practice the officials have been told to deem this a violation.

I'm sure that there have been other NCAA bulletins on this in the past few years. I'll check with some of the NCAA folks that I know and see what they provide in response.
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