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Old Sun Dec 30, 2007, 10:42pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally Posted by tomegun
OK, maybe my mentality has been formed from many camps and hearing many officials speak. I've been told to know where your partners are and have a good idea of what they called. If a play is clearly in my primary and I'm sure that they have the same thing there is no eye contact necessary. Unless we are talking about secondary defenders, which I wasn't talking about initially, I would like to think I'm a big boy and can handle mine. I'm not really talking about anything big that I would get pissy about, I'm just talking about a routine play, clearly in my area with a double whistle. Maybe I'm living in a ArizonaLasVegasWashingtonDCMarylandNorthernVirgini aMississippi bubble and this only happens to me. If so, boy do I envy you guys since you don't have to deal with this on a regular basis.
Not sure what it is I don't have to live with that you do but all I know is if mine isn't the only whistle then I need to make sure the crew is on the same page. If we disagree I know how to deal with it. Every once in a while it does happen.

Bottom line: you want to blow in my area then have a good reason. I'll trust you to do that. If you're poaching then we'll figure out why. But I don't take it personally.
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