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Old Fri Dec 28, 2007, 09:38pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BLydic
Seems Rule 9-2-6 agrees with you.

In fear of being labeled a "cut and paster", it says that the thrown ball shall not touch the thrower in the court before it touches or is touched by another player.
This is correct. The NFHS also issued an interp on the play a couple of years ago. You can show that other official this.

2004-05 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations
SITUATION 7: Team A scores a field goal. B1 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. B1 attempts an entry pass that goes near the division line, but no opponent or teammate is nearby to secure the ball. B1 enters the court and becomes the first player to touch the ball. RULING: B1 has committed a throw-in violation. Team A will be awarded a throw-in at a designated spot on the end line, which was the original throw-in location. (9-2-6 Penalty)
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