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Old Fri Dec 28, 2007, 10:53am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
1) If you feel better knowing when a player has four fouls, then good for ya. Seriously. But, again, my point is that particular piece of information is still extraneous and unnecessary to the way that you're going to officiate the game. You admitted to that above too btw- highlighted in red.
You say I admitted this as if you've trapped me into admitting I'm the one who blew up that Bhutto woman or designed the 12 foot tiger exhibit walls at the SF zoo. All I'm saying is it's a part of the game so I make it my business to keep track of it.

2) I don't do ANYTHING differently whether I know a player has four fouls or not. Neither do you. And that's my point. Whatinthehell good is the information to me? Or to you really, other than making you feel better? It might be a basic part of the game, but only as that basic part relates to the player who has four fouls and his team. It doesn't really mean squat to any basic part of the game that relates to us officials(or shouldn't anyway).
Of course it relates to us as officials. A player with 4 fouls (or even 2 in the first half) will usually play defense differently. You already agreed with me that we should know the team and player tendencies. So you'll have to agree that there's value in knowing when a player might tend to be less aggressive on defense because he wants to stay in the game.

Seems pretty simple to me.
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