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Old Fri Dec 28, 2007, 10:10am
JoeTheRef JoeTheRef is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 477
I don't see where the problem is having knowledge of whether a player has 4 fouls. I think the problem that JR and many of us have is when the poster stated that he wanted the table to notify him when a player has 4 fouls. IMO, nothing GOOD comes from that notification, perception wise. If the table is doing their job then they would will notify you when the player has 5 fouls. That's why you usually have the official scorer, as well as the visiting team scorer at the table. One of those guys are going to make sure the officials are notified when a player has 5 fouls.

There are many ways an official can know how many fouls a player has without being "NOTIFIED" (exception 5th foul). You have the PA announcer announcing the players fouls, you or your partner may be on the table side and hear the table (either scorer) telling the coaches that's "so many" fouls on so and so, shoot you can hear the assistant or somebody else on the bench tell the head coach that's 4 on so and so. But to have the the offical scorer notify you that a player has 4 fouls shouldn't be one of those ways of knowing. Again, my .02.
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