Originally Posted by TD21
I agree with everything you have said. Just know that others will say that it is your opinion and not a fact that this helps you as an official. I find it humorous that the official who use this knowledge find it helpful while those that don't find it useless. Is that the same reason my grandma think computers are a waste of time?
Knowing the information, and what you do with that information, are what's important. There are officials that will see the lopsided foul count, and all of a sudden there 3 quick fouls on the team that is behind. It's possible that team fouled 3 times, but more than likely the less-experienced crew was just trying to make it even in their minds. Unfortunately, that just lowers the crew's credibility even more than the lopsided count.
I've also been told by a couple of very experienced officials that if we know the "star" player has 4 fouls, and that player appears to have committed their 5th, that I should give it to one of their teammates who's close by.
I'm not good enough to be able to make that distinction on a reaction call (especially with all the other crap floating around in my head...). Besides, tell me how that helps our credibility that we charge a foul to a player that we know did not commit a foul? Now, if I know white 34 has 4 fouls, I'm more prepared if that 5th foul happens, so I can make sure we don't start the game before taking care of business. But I'm not going to change what I call, or how I call it, based on the information.
So, TD21, I assume you just haven't shown your grandma the wonders of the internet yet?