Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
If you're not going to call a foul differently from occurrence to occurrence either, then what mistakes can you prevent just by knowing that a player has 4 fouls?
I have a question about this, since it seems so common place and needed to me. Are there that many officials out there that don't know foul counts, time on the clock, directional arrow, what the teams are running and what the players on the floor can and can't do? I would think that officiating a game like this would be like doing taxes without have W-2's 1099's and not knowing how to add. It can't be done correctly if you don't have all the information and you don't know how to use it. This information, in my opinion is just as important as knowing the rules and how to apply them. I'm not saying you need to do all this stuff to get through a game, but I am saying that you should be aware of these things if you want officiate the game the right way. It helps so much.