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Old Wed Dec 26, 2007, 06:25pm
JoeT JoeT is offline
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Posts: 142
Originally Posted by ABO77
Not all of the 20 statements are bad, but most of them could be removed and not be missed.
I'd miss them. I no longer ref - I only coach (so start flaming me now, I guess), but I've had two separate situations this month alone where officials misapplied rules fundamentals on potentially game-changing calls.

In one situation, near the end of the game (both teams in double-bonus):
A1 legally secures an offensive rebound and attempts a long (and ill-advised) pass to A2. Contact occurs between B1 and A2 as B1 tries to intercept; ball deflects OOB. Here the official calls a foul on A2 (could have gone either way, but that was the call.) Officials begin to line up teams for B1 to shoot free throws. I (as the coach of "A") question "when did our team control end?"

Fundamental 1 MAY have helped here....

(Btw, B1 hits both FTs to take the lead - ouch. We wound up winning by 1 luckily.)

The second one was easier (and therefore more frustrating): A1 (us again) inbounds from her frontcourt sideline directly into her backcourt. Official calls backcourt violation and awards team B possession. (Again, this was with less than 2 minutes left in a 4-point game.) His partner did not help him on the call, but afterward approached me to say that I had been right when I contested it.

Fundamental 2 may have helped here.

I'm a big fan of the rules fundamentals. I wish they were better understood.
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