Tue May 28, 2002, 02:02pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 1,051
Originally posted by JAdams
Had three AAU girls games on Sunday...teams from three states, pretty good quality, ranging from 10-16 years of age. Partner was a long-time varsity-level official who has a well-known reputation of having a serious ego and a dominating way of working his games with coaches and his partner(s). In other words, a difficult partner to work with.
First game went fine. Second game was hotly contested, one coach in particular howling low-level throughout. Major controversy, however, involving time on the clock in the closing seconds. Partner wants to totally control the sitch, doesn't wany any help from me. OK, fine. Lots of yelling by both coaches and many fans; partner partially loses control.
Game ends, partner stuffs his game shoes in his gym bag, and loudly announces "I've had enough of this s***, I'm outta here," verbally abuses the timekeeper and me in front of both teams, and leaves in a huff. Also verbally tangles with a fan on the way out.
Another official from an adjacent floor did agree to stay, so we got the final game covered OK.
Questions: should I report this to the guy who assigned us to the tournament? What what would you say to this partner the next time you see him?
Who would you report him to? It is not an OHSAA contest, so they wouldn't care. I guess it would be up to the tourney director to hire him again, and I assume he knows what happened.