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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 24, 2007, 02:04pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Bad Zebra
So your answer, as an official, is to instruct the OTHER team how to work around the violations instead of penalizing the offenders? Then maybe you should coach instead of officiate.
Yes, to some degree (as my examples cite) when we are officiating a RECREATIONAL 7th GRADE league. This was not a COMPETITIVE league. RECREATIONAL leagues are educational by nature. If all parties involved (coaches and officials) are out there for the kids education of the sport, then 9 technicals would not be called. Period.

I wonder why the OP even posted this. He indicated that the coach thought he was "being ridiculous" and was internalizing that the coach probably blamed him for losing the game. Why would he do that if he was TOTALLY sure about his actions. Sounds like he wanted validation from members of this board.

Don't post something if you can't take opposing viewpoints.