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Old Fri Dec 21, 2007, 10:48am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by kbilla
Correct, all you have to do is "begin" the act of shooting which includes the normal pre-attempt movements...for instance think of a player going up for a layup, once they take that step where the pivot foot has been lifted and the non-pivot is on the floor before they jump off of it, that is all part of the normal movement preceeding a try...included in the try even though the player has yet to leave the ground..
It's easier imo if you just relate the end of a dribble to the start of a try. How do you end a dribble? By grabbing the ball. How do you start a try? By grabbing the ball. Soooooo, once the player "gathers" the ball, his/her try has started.

Foot movements are only really relevant when it comes to determining whether a player traveled during the try.
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