Originally Posted by JoeTheRef
So it is disrespectful for the coach to ask a legitimate question and comment without raising his/hers voice, after witnessing you forgetting what just took place less then 60 seconds prior?
Please don't get me wrong, like I and many have said, if we screwed up we may give a little in this situation, but we all have lines that we have to draw and the coach can't cross that line ever, regardless of what takes place in a game. IMO in the OP the coach didn't cross MY line, especially if I just screwed up and he was commenting on it. And iF he made that comment like I pictured in the OP (throw-in was in front of his bench), then he's probably going to get a pass this time.
Through this forum I've seem we all have a different tolerance for behavior that is unsporting. If a coach asked if I was sure which team is inbounding the ball in a respectful manner, I would reassure him/her that I had the correct team. As an official I would never say to a coach: you sure your team knows how to inbound a ball? that would be disrespectful and obnoxious. If a coach is trying to make me or my partner look bad ...thats unsporting behavior. I don't give passes to coaches for being sarcastic, disrespectful or unsporting. I guess my tolerance leans to zero. I am happy to say I have the respect of most all coaches I ref based on a consistent standard of behavioral expectations. I am sure many don't like it, but they do respect it. It also saves me a ton of flak in games. I know I'm an ogre!