Tue Dec 18, 2007, 07:14am
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Originally Posted by Steven Tyler
You can place me in with the 20% group. As for my political beliefs, the media has slanted their views to favor figureheads such as Reagan, and both of the Bush presidents. Clinton and Gore bashing follow as they tend to take anything they can and try to build it into a travesty. This is the norm because these outlets generally play to a certain audience. They might even benefit profit wise with the changing of laws proposed by the politicians they supported.
Rush Limbaugh is what's wrong with reporting in America today. He is just plain bias. He's a real sports fan alright. I'm sure everyone still remembers his short stint on the ESPN Sunday morning pregame football show. You know, the one where he called out the media for being too soft on black quarterbacks and they were getting a free pass on criticism for their game performance because they were black. Just your typical right wing conservative Christian wave the flag moron.
Well, your political beliefs are your beliefs (no matter what anyone says). As far as the press goes, most of the media is biased to the left and has been for years (at least the fifty five that I’ve been on this earth). No one realized that until people from the right got their own shows and put out the “other side of things”. Too many people out there are “spoon fed” the vomit that spews from the regular news media, and they accept it like mindless fools. That is their prerogative, I guess.
Rush’s comment on ESPN was nothing that I haven’t stated for years. He just did it in public and it upset a lot of people. The problem with the statement is that it is true! Not only in sports but in other avenues and it is a sensitive subject so I will not go into that any more.
Lastly, Steve, your concept of the right wing is a little skewed. Not all are Christian, very few are morons. I do not consider a simple Republican as a right wing individual. Only true conservatives are on the right. The rest are “middle of the road”, fools that have no values or true beliefs. But as far as being a flag waver, what’s wrong with standing up for our country and waving the flag? It seems that when Liberals want to insult Conservatives, they always mention something about waving the flag. I personally love the Flag of the United States and display it twenty four hours a day at my home. That Flag means a lot to me because it allowed my ancestors to come to this country and finally be at peace! You know not what repression, death and enslavement is unless you talk to someone that lived through WWII in Nazi Germany! The horror that my family went through should never, ever happen again as long as the United States is around to halt it!
What many people out there (yourself included) don’t realize is when a bullet is heading your way from the enemy’s rifle, it never asks if the receiver is a Liberal or Conservative now does it?
Sorry for the monolog, this is not the place for this discussion so I will end it here. My apologies to all. Merry Christmas!
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