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Old Mon Dec 17, 2007, 12:37pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
And I said I've lived around the country, including a stint in Illinois. Totally irrelevant to the conversation.
I think where you live are very much an issue. I crew up in rural Illinois where there were corn fields and farming all over the place. I now live in a suburb of Chicago and the people and their values are very different from where I grew up. People around here do not hunt; they even mock other parts of the state because they feel the people in other parts are not as sophisticated as they are because they are "in the city." People around here act like they go into another world if it is outside of the Chicago area. So yes, it is very relevant to where you are and the type of values (and yes a value of how you treat animals is included).

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Are you really as obtuse as you sound here? My God man, you assume a great deal. I have been a dog owner since I was born. Over the years I have had many dogs, including a Pit Bull/Lab mix (black and white) named Brutus who I loved dearly. I just found it ironic that you lost the dog while dog sitting. That's funny. (I'm LMAO).
It is obvious you did not grow up in the same area I did, it was common to have dogs running around where I grew up and not on a leash when people walked their dogs. It was also common to have the neighbors dogs running in and out of my yard and that we would know all the dogs and who they belonged to. Dogs in the community got away all the time because they were allowed to be outside and when I first got my dog back in 1991, she got away several times because she liked being outside and she would run away even if you opened the door trying to keep her inside. It was not the first time that happened it just took place in a different town. She loves running around and chasing rabbits or any other animal she gets around. She just does not move as fast now.

Also since you mentioned you had a Pit Bull, that breed was considered to be banned in Cook County after several attacks by those dogs on children and adults which resulted in death. The remedy for the outlawing of these dogs was killing them if people did not find a place for them. So it was OK to kill an entire breed because they would have been illegal, but Dog fighting is so inhumane? Then again that would probably be OK with you. I see killing as killing, I do not care how you do it. If one is OK, the other should be OK.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
To say that I don't understand other people's values is a ridiculous statement. I just don't agree with yours. I don't really give a rat's a$$ about you or your values, but I do understand other people's values. Again, there's a difference between understanding and not giving a sh*t.

I have always owned dogs, and currently have two. Since I have been married (16+ years this time), I have had 5 including the two current dogs. I have an 11 year old Husky/St. Bernard mix who unfortunately has had a skin condition since she was about a year old. I love her more than life itself. I have a black Golden Retriever who is 8 years old. She is my baby. I love my dogs like they were actual children (I also have a 29 year old daughter). They are our children. I don't put my dogs outside. I would sooner put a child outside. My dogs are much better behaved than most children. My dogs go outside to go to the park, the beach, or to the bathroom. The rest of the time they are inside where they belong, as part of the family.
The reason I say this is because you act like everyone is outraged about this as you are. They are not. And I have said that I do not see dog fighting as a major deal and in many cultures dogs are not held in such high regard. My parents are from the south and I could not have a dog anytime before I left HS because they did not value animals the way many do. And my grandmother that had a dog would not let that dog in her house and she lived in Florida.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
My dogs are not accessories, and this ain't Beverly Hills. I live in a fairly rural area, complete with pickup trucks, gun racks, and Hell's Angels. I'm sure that there is dog fighting within 5 miles of my house.

I can't believe you think the way you do. Dogs as accessories, puleeeeze.
Of course you do not. Because I have seen people take dogs and put them in little bags and carry them around in the Chicago area. And one of the people that made that practice popular is someone seen on TV and they live in California. And if some of those same people were asked to help human beings in other parts of the country or world they would rather carry a dog around then give a dollar to someone that is homeless. There was a woman who left millions of dollars to her dog, not to a charity or to another human being that could have used the money or added to her legacy. I find that action a little out of whack. Sorry you think it is normal.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)