Originally Posted by JRutledge
I have been to California a few times and it is a very different place than other parts of the country. And I was in San Diego for most of one summer. I will leave it at that.
And I said I've lived around the country, including a stint in Illinois. Totally irrelevant to the conversation.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Killing animals is killing animals no matter how you do it. And if one form of killing is supposed to be of higher value than I disagree with that statement. And it was not until a few years ago that this was even a crime. We are not going to agree with this no matter how you slice it.
You are right. We won't agree. I already explained the difference between legal hunting and the unnecessary slaughter of domesticated animals. If you don't know the difference...
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Here is another example of how you do not understand values of others. I understand how and why you feel the way you do, I just do not hold that same value. I have to walk my dog. I do not have to walk a child. You put a dog outside. You do not put a child outside. Children either use the bathroom or have a diaper. Dogs go to bathroom outside. I know that is a hard concept for you to understand by the dog got away. If you had a dog you would know that this is not an uncommon occurrence. At least it is in areas where dogs are not accessories. I think you have been in California too long. 
Are you really as obtuse as you sound here? My God man, you assume a great deal. I have been a dog owner since I was born. Over the years I have had many dogs, including a Pit Bull/Lab mix (black and white) named Brutus who I loved dearly. I just found it ironic that you lost the dog while dog sitting. That's funny. (I'm LMAO).
To say that I don't understand other people's values is a ridiculous statement. I just don't agree with yours. I don't really give a rat's a$$ about you or your values, but I do understand other people's values. Again, there's a difference between understanding and not giving a sh*t.
I have always owned dogs, and currently have two. Since I have been married (16+ years this time), I have had 5 including the two current dogs. I have an 11 year old Husky/St. Bernard mix who unfortunately has had a skin condition since she was about a year old. I love her more than life itself. I have a black Golden Retriever who is 8 years old. She is my baby. I love my dogs like they were actual children (I also have a 29 year old daughter). They are our children. I don't put my dogs outside. I would sooner put a child outside. My dogs are much better behaved than most children. My dogs go outside to go to the park, the beach, or to the bathroom. The rest of the time they are inside where they belong, as part of the family.
My dogs are not accessories, and this ain't Beverly Hills. I live in a fairly rural area, complete with pickup trucks, gun racks, and Hell's Angels. I'm sure that there is dog fighting within 5 miles of my house.
I can't believe you think the way you do. Dogs as accessories, puleeeeze.