Originally Posted by GarthB
My post simply referred to assigning an illegal activity to cultural status based on in what in part of the US it occurs. Fact is, illegal dog fighting occurs in most states. It is not solely confined to the redneck back woods of Virginia.
I'm a VT grad, but I don't defend Mike or any of his stupid crap, especially since it taints my school. But let me just clarify one thing:
Mike Vick certainly didn't "learn" his "culture" of dogfighting in the redneck back woods of Virginia. He/I went to school in the back woods of Virginia, mind, but ....

Not to say that doesn't happen in those back woods, but Mike didn't learn it there.
Anything he learned/got into was from the mean streets of Newport News, Virginia. Not much in the way of woods around there - at least not where he lived.