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Old Sun Dec 16, 2007, 12:54pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by SAump
Garth this must be one of your weakest post to date. Out of respect I defer.
Before deferring, you should try reading with comprehension. Good preparation for that might be to start with the dictionary entry of sarcasm.

You have seen the silly house-to-house combat training military pesonnel and policeman undertake across our nation today. You have seen the technolgical demand for electronic/robotic vehicles. One immediate solution we have are plenty of well-trained K-9 companions. Armored vehicles, ballistic shields, body armor, night vision and electronic equipment will never replace the capability hunting dogs bring to the battlefield. Isn't dog breeding, by its very nature, a cultural thing?

People even win wars with fighting gamecocks. Chickens behaved eratically during B52 bombing missions in Vietnam. This helped save the life of many a villager. Nothing better than a mean ole rooster guarding the hen house for an ole farmer prior to dawn. Damn roosters warned VC guerillas to climb back into their holes before American night patrols arrived with their more sophisicated night vision gear. VC carried roosters in their arms as they made their way safely through the jungle at night. A hungry VC never thought of eating his rooster. Isn't the raising of roosters a cultural thing?
Can be. Not always.

RIF, SA. I wrote that the simple locale of an activity did not make it a "cultural thing" as Jeff had said.

I did not write that a specific activity was not a cultural thing. An activity can indeed be "cultural" in some societies and not in others. The mutilation of women in female circumcision is a cultural activity in some societies and a felony in others.

My post simply referred to assigning an illegal activity to cultural status based on in what in part of the US it occurs. Fact is, illegal dog fighting occurs in most states. It is not solely confined to the redneck back woods of Virginia.

Last edited by GarthB; Sun Dec 16, 2007 at 12:58pm.