Originally Posted by GarthB
I guess I have to understand the when one repeatedly posts on a subject it means they don't care about it. It's a difficult concept, but I'm working on it. 
The last time I did check I do post on this site for entertainment purposes. That means that what is said is not going to drastically change my life one way or the other. I watch many sports games and I do not recall that outcome of many of them is something that will affect me either, but I still watch the game. I look at this board and this discussion in a similar way as I just stated a line or two before. It is entertaining, but I do not recall what we talk about here is going to affect me personally. I personally do not care if everyone used drugs, I still say there are other factors to why numbers are they way they are and I do not see this as a major moral issue when there were no rules that prevented the taking of many drugs.
You are right, you do have some things to work on, like everyone does not share you point of view on things.