Angry Mob: "We found a steroid user, may we burn him? (BURN HIM!)
Sir George: "How you know he is a user?"
Angry Mob: "He looks like one!"
Sir George: Bring him forward."
Roger Clemens' lawyer: "He's not a user, he's not a user!"
Sir George: "...but he looks just as one."
Roger Clemens' lawyer: "they dressed up my client like this, and that's not his gigantic hat, it's a false one!"
Sir George: "Well?"
Angry Mob: "well...we did do the hat, and the eyebrows...but he is a user! (YEAH, BURN HIM!)"
Sir George: "Did you dress him up like this?"
Angry Mob: "NO! No, no...yes, a bit, a bit...he has got a back zit!"
Sir George: "How do you know he is a user?"
Angry Mob Guy: "His trainer said so!......he did lie on national television."
Sir George: "There are ways of telling if he's a user."
Angry Mob: "Are there? Tell us!"
Sir George: "What do you do with steroid users?"
Angry Mob: " BURN THEM?"
Sir George: "and what we burn apart from steroid users?"
Angry Mob: "MORE STEROID USERS (OW!) ..uhm...child molesters and serial killers?"
Sir George: "gooooood!.... so, do child molesters and serial killers (apart from OJ) get to walk the streets?"
Angry Mob: "no..No their careers are ruined!"
Sir George: "what else can you do to ruin your career?"
Angry Mob: "insider trading!...Little boys!...screw around on your wife!..gravy!
King Bud "Leak bad info to the press!"
Sir George: "Goooood!, So logically.....
Angry Mob: "If we waste millions of taxpayers dollars on a cockamaimie study that most non-sports fans don't even care about...the media will pick it up and run with it."
Sir George: "...and therefore..."
Angry Mob: "their careers will be ruined by heresay and conjecture! (BURN THEM!)