In a Court of Law could the suspected users of PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS be convicted? I would say no. Unless I'm mistaken, you can check the record books for all sports, performance declines as athletes age. You don't suddenly in your late 30's or early 40's significantly increase your stats. That's precisely what happened with Bonds, McGuire and Clemens. Sammy Sosa was not "named" as user. However, I'm 99% sure he was. All you need to do is look at a picture of him when he was hitting 60+ HR's per year and compare it to recent pictures from last season. He shrunk in size. I would assume his workout routine hasn't changed. He's just not getting the chemical boost.
Look just because they never tested positive doesn't mean they weren't users. You have to be a knucklehead to get caught. I understand that Marion Jones was tested 160 times while she was using and never tested positive. This happened despite the fact that she was subjected to a much tougher testing program than MLB has.
The other thing I'm wondering about is what happened to players hitting 60 + HR's. Juiced balls may have helped. But as quickly as it appeared the days of 60 + has disappeared. Could it be the suppliers are heading to the s***house and increased scrutiny by MLB?
Just as I'm certain that innocent people are in jail and the guilty unjustly go free I'm sure some of those named are not users. They only have MLB and thier Union to blame for turning a blind eye and allowing this to happen.
Quite frankly, I welcome the "witch hunt". I'm hopeful some good will come out of it.