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Old Fri Dec 14, 2007, 04:08pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim C
I have a simple question:

"What is the difference in the Mitchell Report and the reports that Joe McCarthy used in the 1950's?"

The style of reporting seems to be very similar. No?

Simple answer to what is different: McCarthy's report was done with the power of government behind him. Mitchell's was done by a private entity with no criminal or police powers.

Does baseball have a problem with performance enhancing drugs? Absolutely, without a doubt, yes.

Does this problem extend the width and breadth of the sport, touching even to the top of the potential HOF-quality players? Absolutely, without a doubt, yes.

Does that include, specifically, Bonds, Clemens, others named? Yes to Bonds (we'll see the paper trail on him soon enough); others, probably but perhaps not certainly.

Should the records of the last 15 years in MLB be stricken from the books?
Should any of these players ever be inducted into the HOF?

Those last two would be for MLB to decide, and given the track record of the pretend commissioner, I expect the answers will be "no" and "yes."