Originally Posted by ronny mulkey
In trying to prevent this type of situation in the future, my main question becomes:
Do you consider razzing, trying to get a player's "goat", ridicule aimed at players, etc. as being abusive? Do you stop it if it is not profane, vulgar, racial or threatening? I have always kinda thought that was home field advantage.
And, if the the player lets the crowd get to him and responds in a non-threatening, non-vulgar manner, do you penalize the player?
Yea, it's an interesting set of questions. I have only one experience. Girls' varsity. close rivalry game all the way through, although home winning. V player had attended home school at some point and was definitely the flash point for the fan yelling and chivying. She finally lost her cool and flipped one certain guy off. I whacked her, and simultaneously, game management stepped in and shut up the home fans. Everyone in the whole gym thought it was enormously amusing. Visitors came back and won by 3. Justice was served, I guess.
I expect it's gonna be one of those touchy-feely things. Gotta keep your finger on the pulse, feel the atmosphere and do what seems best in that situation.