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Old Fri Dec 14, 2007, 09:41am
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
5 seconds is (or should be) more than ample. Any coach above the "dads and moms coaching 4th graders for the park district" level will know when it's a player's fifth foul. By the time it's reported and recognized at the table, the coach should have the sub picked out. All that's left it to point to the sub.
Bob, it's the "notify the player" part that takes more than 5 seconds. Once you start the clock you STILL need to notify the player and he could be all the way down in the lane.

Even with 5 DQs last night, it would've only added 50 more seconds to the whole procedure. Another "problem" that really didn't need a solution. Was it so troublesome that teams brought their players over for 15 seconds of instruction here?

The horn should be AT 15 seconds (of the 20), not at 5 seconds. I get what the FED is trying to do here, but I will say it all seemed a bit awkward last night.

We'll see how things go in my (anticipated) hack-and-slash festival tonight.
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