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Old Thu Dec 13, 2007, 11:51am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 945
I agree with your statement of common sense as I wouldn't have been sure how to rule on it prior to thinking about this a little. However common sense also tells the defense to go after the ball and not the holder. If a defender goes after the ball and hits it and the holder before the ball is kicked during a field goal then is the ball dead or now is it a fumble?

The exception for the holder allows him to have a knee or knees on the ground while in possession of the ball. A defender touching the holder does not change the status of this exception. I say that the defender needs to do more than just touch the holder. He needs to think about what he is doing and go get the ball. Again we aren't playing tag here, or NFL rules, there is no provision for a player to be touched down.

By the way, any contact against the holder while he is holding the ball is extremely likely to cause a fumble.
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