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Old Wed Dec 12, 2007, 01:17pm
Bearfanmike20 Bearfanmike20 is offline
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Originally Posted by rainmaker
Speaking as a woman official and having seen and interacted with many male and female officials, I'd say the problem here is that you're mis-interpreting what you're seeing. In my experience a lot more women have good reason to have chips on their shoulders than actually do. I'd you're seeing something that seems to you like a chip but isn't really. Are there women with chips on their shoulders? Sure. But I'd say "most women" is too many.

I suggest you work with some of these women and get to know them personally so that you can judge their work as you know them, too. Might make a difference in how you see things.

And with regard to Ms Palmer, if she were the worst ref in the NBA, she wouldn't still be there. THey've got a number of very good women refs in their D league, and they certainly don't need to keep her for political reasons. There are plenty of people who could step up and fill her shoes, if she couldn't.
I will work with any and every body. Honestly I'd rather work with a woman official with somthing to prove then half of the male officials who are just collecting a check.

I was just making an observation and nothing more.

ps... I didn't say most.. I said "a lot" Wording means alot so please quote me correctly.
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