Thread: Equipment
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Old Wed Dec 12, 2007, 11:51am
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by Scooby
Never heard of this. Maybe it is partictular to specific state. It is not the case in Michigan, but you can't just show up in anything.
What I have heard from some of the ASA honchos around here is that at a recent National Championship, the shade of heather gray on some umpires pants was noticeably different. They want all umpires at a national championship event to all purchase their pants from the same vendor so that the uniforms look...well, uniform.

What they did not consider, however, was the umpire that tries to get 10 years out of a pair of pants. If her shows up at a national championship and is asked about his pink-shaded, faded out gray pants, he can still say that he bought them from ASA and meet the requirement.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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