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Old Tue Dec 11, 2007, 08:42am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,673
Originally Posted by zakman2005000
how do you decide which violations you would not call?
Just ask yourself this simple question: Is it really a big deal? That's it, honestly.

The kid just palmed the ball in the backcourt with no pressure. Did he violate? Sure did. Is it really a big deal? No.

Dribbler just barely palmed the ball as he froze the defender to drive to the basket. Did he violate? Yup. Is it a big deal. Yes, it's a really big deal.

Free throw shooter took 11 seconds to make the try. Did he violate? Sure did. Is it really a big deal? No.

Offensive team takes 11 seconds to get over the midcourt line against a heavy press. Is it a really big deal? Yes.

Dribbler just barely steps on the out of bounds boundary. Did he violate? Yup. Is it really a big deal? Yes. Boundary lines are a big deal.

It may seem overly simplistic, and in some cases some people might say that it is a little bit arbitrary. And I can't argue with either of those objections. I can only tell you that it has worked for me.
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