Originally Posted by BillyMac
Here, in Central Connecticut, officials will not get a full varsity schedule until they have completed at least three seasons of junior varsity ball (the first season doesn't count, it's a probationary season), and at least three seasons of "split" ball (some varsity and some junior varsity games). I say "at least" because their promotion depends on their ratings from fellow officials, 80% of which counts toward their junior varsity or varsity ranking. The fastest an official can get a full varsity schedule would be seven years, including the first probationary year.
What does "full varsity" mean? Does that mean exclusively varsity? Because almost no one in Portland gets that. Even tournament refs do at least a few JV or freshman games each year. The only exception would be refs who do mostly college and hs varsity is their "slummin", but we don't have a lot of those.