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Old Mon May 20, 2002, 09:34am
kono kono is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 207
Originally posted by Elaine "Lady Blue"
Now, now Kono! We use official ASA umpires in many leagues here in Metro Atlanta for Tball. Yours truly had to umpire Tball in her rookie year. Gives you a lot of appreciation from 'where you came from' once you progess! It made me progess as fast as I could!!!

Sorry Elaine - I just don't see it. Unless like Glen, you were more traffic cop than anything - or unless your T-Ballers are far more advanced down in Georgia than up here in CT.

Having coached T-ball, I think that at NO time should scores or even outs be kept (yup - seen those questions too). Usually after 2 innings half the kids want to go home and play with their friends. This is also the half that don't know where 2nd or 3rd base is. A ball that is hit with any amount of power usually winds up beyond any fielder you have, with at least 6 kids chasing it and fighting over it in the outfield.

My personal opinion is that umps should stay away from any game lower than an advanced minor league. Not because the game (or kids) is not worthy of us, but because it should be purely instructional. Let the coaches (honestly) call the safes and outs, and teach the kids some fair play along the way. I know it can be done, I coached my son through T-Ball, A-ball (coach pitch), and AA-ball (machine pitch). Most coaches worked pretty well with each other - only one or two were somewhat aggressive.


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