I have enjoyed this series, and did not review it until just now, so I am sorry for posting on this so long after the fact, but I am wondering how this applies to Federation rules. According to the Federaton Rule 8.4.1i, if the batter on a dropped third strike gives up by entering the bench or dugout area he is out. So, it would seem that the same would apply to a runner who misses home plate. If the runner misses home plate and reaches his dugout he is out and cannot attempt to return to touch home plate. The 2000 case book section 8.2.2c-comment states that "if the runner attempts to return before the defense initiates appeal action, he must be touched, except on a force." The question I have is according to Federation rules, how far beyond home plate can the runner be and still attempt to return? Can he be at any point beyond the plate up to just entering his dugout and attempt to return, or is there another standard that would govern? In Federation, the umpire is to call the runner out for missing a base. So, if the runner misses home plate and reaches his dugout, it seems that that is the point that he is to be called out (and the point to call campus security as well). What do you think?