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Old Fri Dec 07, 2007, 03:51pm
dldsooner dldsooner is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Woodward, Oklahoma
Posts: 15

Here in Oklahoma we are part of the OSSAA (Oklahoma Secondary Schools Athletic Association). We put our own crews together, go to the schools every 2 years and get our contracts, and generally the OSSAA has no say over who is on our crew or what games we call.

You have to be a certified official before you can call any playoff game, and that usually takes 5 years to attain certification. The OSSAA assigns playoffs, they look at several criteria to determine if you are worthy of calling playoffs, such as coach's evaluations, official rankings, years with your crew and experience.

With that being said, I would like to say this. I believe that if you are with a crew week in and week out, it makes everyone on that crew a stronger official. You know what each official is looking at and what they are supposed to be doing without having to worry if all areas of the field are being covered properly.

I know that no system is perfect and everyone one of us would argue why their system is better than the next guys, this is only what we do in my part of this world, and I seem to think that it works pretty well most of the time.
Don't get me wrong there is some brown nosing going on so that crews can get the premiere playoff games, but for the most part everything works out real well. If a crew goes out and does what their supposed to do on a Friday night, every Friday night, they will get their just rewards at the end of the season.
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