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Old Thu Dec 06, 2007, 09:38pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
because he wanted to tell me about an official who "screwed up" and "cost them a game" last weekend during a tournament. It was 8th grade boys. I didn't want to get out of line, so I pretended to listen.

He told me his team had a one point lead with 5 seconds to go when an opponent took a shot from the baseline. The shot didn't hit anything and the same kid caught the ball. The kid then flipped it over his head off the glass and in, just as the horn sounded to win the game. The coach said he couldn't believe the referee didn't call the "travel" which would have given his team the ball back and probably the game. He said he rushed onto the court, yelled and screamed at the referee, and was subsequently told by game management he was suspended for the one game they had left that day.

He "knows" that if they won that game they would have won the championship game and taken home the trophy.
That's some pretty good "pretend" listening!
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
He said that official "cost them the championship" and his boys would have to live with that the rest of their lives.
They also have to live for the rest of their lives, with the recollection of a coach who couldn't teach them how to take responsibility for their own wins and losses.
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
It was about all I could do to keep from puking on his shoes right then and there.
But the real question is, did you stare at his pants?
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
The pharmacist then called my number and that ended the conversation.
Good timing!
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