Thu Dec 06, 2007, 09:33pm
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: East Westchester of the Southern Conference
Posts: 5,381
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I must have been in another dimension (which isn't that unusual for me) but I just accepted a five game shift of a very competitive MS tournament this Saturday. I start at 1:20 and the last game won't be over until after 8:00. The tourney is at the local HS so all games are on a full size HS court and they are all 8th grade boys - you know, the type of kids that like to run, run, run. There's only 10-15 minutes between games so not much time to rest my reconstructed knees. Also, I guess I'll just have to scarf down some peanut butter sandwiches around dinner time. Maybe I can do that during free throws?
The upside is that three of the games are with a partner I haven't seen in over two years. We used to work together quite a bit, but then our schedules just didn't mesh. He's a pretty good guy and fun to work with.
Oh yeah - I have three more games starting at 8:00 the next morning. At least these are at an elementary school and are "only" 6th graders - I hope.
The ambulance number is still 911, isn't it? 
Well, if you do that, at least you won't have to talk to any coaches as your mouth will be glued shut.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.