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Old Thu Dec 06, 2007, 01:10pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I must have been in another dimension (which isn't that unusual for me) but I just accepted a five game shift of a very competitive MS tournament this Saturday. I start at 1:20 and the last game won't be over until after 8:00. The tourney is at the local HS so all games are on a full size HS court and they are all 8th grade boys - you know, the type of kids that like to run, run, run. There's only 10-15 minutes between games so not much time to rest my reconstructed knees. Also, I guess I'll just have to scarf down some peanut butter sandwiches around dinner time. Maybe I can do that during free throws?

The upside is that three of the games are with a partner I haven't seen in over two years. We used to work together quite a bit, but then our schedules just didn't mesh. He's a pretty good guy and fun to work with.

Oh yeah - I have three more games starting at 8:00 the next morning. At least these are at an elementary school and are "only" 6th graders - I hope.

The ambulance number is still 911, isn't it?
Why not get ahold of ABC to fill in some of that?
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