Originally posted by scottk_61
I am looking for a code of conduct for parents and fans of players for youth rec ball.
Having seen some and been part of organizations that had them, I now desperately need some good resources to address some issues that are going to kill a good program.
Please email or respond here with suggestions or links.
Here's what I would do. Most parents hold in high honor the coach. Right? They see them as "the authority" on all things, including rules and judgement calls. Coaches must SEE you in high authority. Right? This is the key..."Coach, the parents are not setting a great example of sportsmanship for impressionable youth and feel that it is best that they not set this type of example here. See if you can calm them for me." Most rational parents will understand that. If not, tell the coach to be sure it stops or you start ejecting coaches. No coaches, no game. Want to play baseball? That seems harsh, and I hate to threaten to eject, I prefer to just do it if they deserve it. However, at the rec level they are in a guideance stage and don't know how "mean" you really are. I bet it works the first time w/o having to resort to "threats." John