Originally Posted by GarthB
Congratulations. Now according to your logic and arguments, someone who graduated by the skin of the teeth, say with a D- could claim to be Magna Cum Laude and you wouldn't care.
People are all the time lying on their résumés. Although I disapprove of this dispicable practice, it does happen and I am powerless to stop it.
Like I said, I took his signature to merely indicate the levels of baseball and softball that he has worked, not as any insult to card-carrying AMLU members. You know me, Public Defender Steve.
I guess that some of us feel differently about it than you do. He is obviously proud of the fact that he has worked some minor league baseball. That is something to be proud of for most people. Over 99% if all umpires worldwide cannot make that claim. I would count it as a major umpiring accomplishment to have worked as a sub in the minors.
Perhaps he should state "Levels worked:" in front of the various levels of ball to indicate that he is not a current full-time minor league umpire.