Mon Dec 03, 2007, 03:51pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Seattle area
Posts: 1,342
Put me in the camp that likes this change. For a few reasons:
- It lets me see the entire action - facing the OFF bench and the field. It also removes the ODB behind me, where I can't see him/her.
- It gets me off the line on the 3B side, where you're always in the line of fire for F3's warmup throws to F5.
- There's plenty of room to conduct business if needed - if you feel cramped between the backstop and F2 receivinbg warmup pitches, then slide a little toward 1B or 3B, depending on which side you're on.
- If you're getting hit by ODB's taking swings while stepping into the box, then you're not in the ready position to begin with. If they're stepping in the box, you should be behind F2 about to play ball, not standing in your inbetween-inning-spot. The batter's ready, why aren't you?
- It will discourage your partner from coming down the line to have an idle chit-chat. I've noticed that the primary reason the one-minute isn't enforced is that the PU is jabbering with the BU about something, and not paying attention to the warmup pitches or the time. Keeping the PU closer to HP will discourage the BU from coming over for no real reason.
Just my thoughts on this...
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