Originally Posted by Ch1town
Ok, that's a NCAA rule? She does work that level, so maybe that confused her.
Since our season has started last Thursday I've worked 5 games in 3 days, all games were with well-respected veterans. 2 of those games I've seen a misaplication of fairly new rules. As I previously stated, 1 of those times it was my call & I was made to change it.
As a new official how should I handle situations that I know aren't right & not piss off my senior officials?
If you know the official works college, that is your "in" right there, if you know for a fact that the official's call is incorrect per NF rules, just ask "is that NF or NCAA?" That will probably get them thinking right away...I would have no problem pulling the rulebook at halftime or after the game, but just do it the right way...for instance, "ok help me out with something here, in 4.12.6 it says that there is no TC during a throw-in, so why didn't we shoot there?" I would think that if you aren't sporting a "i'm right/you're wrong" attitude and are acting as if you genuinely want to learn, you will not piss anyone off....most officials are more than happy to help, just ask them to explain their decision making process....