Originally Posted by WestMichBlue
What do you make of this?
I do not understand this. Does baseline extended mean behind home plate? How far? All the way to the backstop? Otherwise, what prevents us from getting hit by a warm-up pitch?
If not, then are we are on the baseline in typical position (1/3 to 1/2 way between home and 1st base). If we are facing into the dugout, what protects our backside from getting hit by a wild throw? And what umpire wants to be standing there staring into the dugout like a policeman? (Or is that required in adult games to stop illegal activities {smoking, drinking, etc})?
Finally, what were we doing that put us near batter's warming up?
Any ASA folks want to respond?
First I've heard of this. Sounds like someone thinks they had a great idea and convinced the staff it was worth instituting. If this is a NCAA mechanic, I can understand why it was approved.
But, I'm with you. May I note that on many fields, even in championship play, there is no additional room to conduct routine business or to avoid an errant warm up pitch or be struck by a bat in the hands of the lead-off batter swinging it while approaching and watching the pitches.
I cannot think of a valid reason to support such a change.