Originally posted by harmbu
Also consider that this was a district semi-final game and the defensive team had the game well in hand. I knew that there was a chance that I would be calling the championship game the next day and I didn't want the defensive coach holding a grudge and riding me the whole next day. The defensive team was also the district host and he probably wouldn't have had me working the championship game if the call had gone against him.
Coaches will be more successful seeking umpires making correct calls vs. homer calls. Although he complained during the incident, he may have been merely lobbying for the call to go his way despite knowing it should not---something not unfamiliar to coaches. Getting lobbied into a wrong call can cost you more than you may realize.
Keep in mind, even though the call favored this coach, if he felt it was a blown call he may be concerned that the same blown call might go against him the next day---especially if he knows his opponent is good at lobbying.
Just my opinion,