Sun Dec 02, 2007, 01:05pm
Aleve Titles to Others
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: East Westchester of the Southern Conference
Posts: 5,381
Originally Posted by rainmaker
Gotta admit, I'm surprised. Most of the coaches in those programs (associated with that school to which you refer) are pretty good, at least to their kids.
I lost all respect for Little League Parents in general when the scandal broke a couple of years ago about that certain person who had a certain basketball development program outside the schools (I'm sure you know who I mean). He was having consensual sex with some of the sixteen and seventeen year old girls, as part of their "payment" for his services. The unbelievable part was the parents' response when they found out about it. None of them wanted to press charges. They didn't even withdraw their kids. When they were interviewed they said, "Well, he can get them scholarships." Some of them had even known or strongly suspected before it became public. But they wanted their little darlings to be stars and no price was too high to pay. They should be put in jail along with the abuser.
Their children are going to have some deep scars because their parents did not protect them.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.