Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Technical fouls are just another call to be made. Don't waste time thinking about them, unless there is a chance that you can actually learn something out of a situation.
I"m finding that I am starting to treat technicals as just another foul. We talk about the 3 P's around here.
Personal- pretty much anything along the lines of "you suck,you're cheating, you ,you,you,you Automatic....
Profane- Automatic-though I give some wiggle room for players quietly cussing at themselves. Loud cussing is an automatic
Persistent is the one where I have to talk them off the ledge. I do work on communicating with coaches. I will be flexible but there comes a point some coaches want to jump off the ledge and I let them.
Here is my T rundown so far this year.
Kid running down the court, hands flailing, loudly letting me know , and evryone in the county know "I need to call that." I did. T
Repeat the 1st scenairo.
Frosh girls game. ball bouncing around girl finally corrals it. Opposing teams point guard,about 2 feet tall ,is jumping up and down in front of me doing a very nice,tight traveling mechanic. T ,
Coach on Friday night, 1 minute 8 seconds into game, empty gym yells something along the lines of "making that gosh darn call'. T
So the spontaneous ones are easy it's the persistent ones that are tougher.,
After the T on Frosh girl, watching Varsity later that night, I had a Hooisers moment with said girl and father. Father missed it but heard about it. I almost had a moment of compassion as the tears flowed from frosh girl as she apoligized (sp) to me.....