Sat Dec 01, 2007, 07:15pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,842
Originally Posted by dan74
I received some good input and advice last year while going through what Rainmaker described as my - not enough Ts stage. Well, I don't think I have rabbit ears, but I seem to be in the middle of stage two, which Rainmaker described as more than enough Ts stage (or something along those lines).
Here's the sitch from a middle school tourney today. In the second quarter, coach B, who I had seen be fairly vocal with other officials earlier in the day, complained about a non-call with his arms extended way out to the sides, palms to the air, and look of disgust on his face. Maybe part of it had to do with game four of four and I was starting to fade some, but I issued a T. While reporting it he then switched complaining about the non-call to the T call, so I T'd him again and sent him out. I find myself second guessing these situations quite a bit...either not calling one, as was the case early last season, to possibly being a bit quick to T during the latter part of last year and today.
I feel way more comfortable officiating these days...I've slowed down my calls, I guess in a way the game has slowed down as I view it, but still second guessing Ts.
How many went through something similar and any advice?
As background, I've worked ten games, not including 2 scrimmages, so far this season and issued four Ts: one for reaching over the boundary line after a warning; second, for a player complaining about a non-call in an adult rec tourney; and three/four today for a coach yapping and then a second complaint for continnued yapping about the first T.
I probably do close to 250 games a year up to varsity and I call about a handful of t's mostly men's league. Just not my style. If it makes the game better.....whack.