Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Come on, you remember the Ancient Days. By definition and by casebook plays, simultaneous fouls have always been a false double fouls. The only think that changed a couple of years back is that the Rules Committees decided that the penalty for a simultaneous fouls would be the same as a double persona foul or a double technical foul.
Mark, please cite those definitions and case book plays then.
Afaik, simultaneous fouls have
never been regarded as false double fouls. Simultaneous fouls have been regarded as simultaneous fouls....period. That's why there are separate definitions for each in the rule book.
The fouls making up a false double foul
follow one other. Simultaneous fouls occur....well....simultaneously.
Another example......by definition, simultaneous fouls can
NOT be committed by opponents against each other; in false double fouls, you
can have opponents committing fouls against each other.