I believe that what you are seeking is what I developed in the early 1990s
and that is a one page handout of 25 of the most misunderstood rules.
I ran BOSS Officials in San Diego and when training new officials, I gave them a "packet" that included one page of misconstrued rules in a
concise, brief form.
We decided to give it to all team captains in our mens' leagues as well
as to youth league coaches, and that little bit of education went a long way toward minimizing the complaints by players and coaches.
I was happy to have given it to a gentleman in Connecticut a few years ago, who, along with others on the officials forum board,did a fantastic job of expanding it and providing better clarifications.
**** The original was brief so as to be able to fit on one side of one page.
I think that the new owner of BOSS, Jeff Matuszko, still has prints of the original and it may be found on his newly upgraded (under construction)
website at
www.sdboss.com .
His email address is
[email protected]