Thread: T for Delay
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Old Fri Nov 30, 2007, 09:24pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by dan74
Team A has already been warned for reaching over the boundary line and then does it again for a T. Two free throws and ball and ball out at the division line for Team B, right? Partner thought it is two free throws and ball where the T happened.
You were correct. In high school rules, ALL single technical fouls result in 2 free throws and possession of the ball for a throw-in at midcourt opposite the table.

It's possible that your partner was thinking that the player had reached across the boundary plane and actually fouled the inbounder (instead of merely crossing the plane). In that situation, the correct call is an intentional personal foul; and the penalty is 2 free throws and possession of the ball for a throw-in at the spot closest to the spot of the foul.
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