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Old Fri Nov 30, 2007, 04:18pm
Reffin' Sgt Reffin' Sgt is offline
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Posts: 15
Originally Posted by breynolds
Play: 4th and 10 from K's 35 yard line. K kicks a high, short punt that R muffs at K's 45 yard line. The ball rebounds behind the neutral zone where K recovers the ball and begins to advance. During the advance he throws an incomplete forward pass from behind the neutral zone.

Ignore for the moment the likelihood that A(K) will have one or probably more ineligible linemen downfield. Which team will be awarded a new series? Where is the succeeding spot? (NFHS code)

I am interested to hear your thoughts. Although this play is highly unusual, I think it would be a good addition to case book play 5.1.3 Situation C.
I've been in basketball mode for a few weeks now and put the FB rule book away, but if I remember correctly you can't throw a pass on a down in which there is a change of possession. Because of the muff by R and the subsequent recovery by K, K will be given a new series of downs. K has thrown an illegal forward pass and is penalized from the spot of the throw, 1 and 10.

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