Originally Posted by reddevil19
During my time coaching at the HS Frosh level, I always wondered why some officials seemed to be so concerned about what I was saying or doing to people other than them during a game, especially during a live ball. I was T'd once for saying "d*mmit" to a player on my bench, with my back turned away from the court, while the other team was in the process of making a lay-up. 
I don't know about other states, but Colorado has explicitly followed the NFHS guideline, and isntructed the officials to call all profanity, even if directed at players. So yes, coaches do need to watch what they say to their players.
That said, at most, "dammit" might earn a quick chat depending on how loud it was uttered.
Do I think we have
Originally Posted by reddevil19
I was T'd once for flipping my clipboard over my shoulder, with no verbal comment, where there wasn't even a remotely possible officiating-related reason for doing it, after my player did exactly the opposite of what he was instructed for the 63rd time that game. We had an empty bench area, and the clipboard landed in a pile of player bags never made a sound, but I got T'd, during a fast break by the opposition (boy was my counterpart ticked when they stopped that to T me, and then the kid missed his FT's!  )
Yeah, they missed that one. First of all, sounds like I would have let it go. However, if you'd been making a scene all game….
Also, there's a casebook play that states explicitly that the official should hold his whistle on this until after the layup; don't penalize the other team.
Originally Posted by reddevil19
It seems to me that at HS and above, unless it's blatantly unsportmanlike, or directly addressed at an official, or causes a safety hazard, there shouldn't be a lot of mind paid to things like flipped clipboards and the like. If a coach is making as *** of him/herself, let their Administrator deal with it, especially while the ball is in play. My .02.
While we may or may not agree with you, the NFHS and at least my state don't. I may think I have better things to do than nag the players about tucking their shirts in, too, but the rules committee tells me otherwise.