Fri Nov 30, 2007, 08:34am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by TRef21
When I have given technical fouls, i use the NBA mechanic the two index figures. To me it seems that their type of technical foul signal makes the offiicials look less emotional when they give it. The big technical foul signal to me looks more agressive and shows an emotional part of the official even though he or she may not be emotional when given it. The steps I follow are:
1. Make sure I'm not killing a fast break or interupt the game in way that can cause crew problems (calling a technical foul on the head coach during a shot attempt for example).
2. Give the simple technical foul signal. For me the NBA T
3. report the T to the table. Direct Technical foul Red head coach or whoever it's on.
4. Get the crew together and discuss what I have, how many we are shooting if any, and how play is to resumed ( this is either can also be step 3 if we have multiple technical fouls or something wierd, or if i get that feeling that we need to discuss the procedure before reporting.)
5. Go opposite table if i have to and continue on with the game
Excellent post. I also agree with the NBA-style T looking less emotional.